Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New York City Marathon Training Plan

Through the detailed logging of my training for my last 3 marathons, I've noticed that I'm able to sustain the intensity and mileage for only 2 weeks at any one time, before the mileage and quality of the runs take a dip. This 2-week up and 1-week down (2:1) cycle is perhaps the way my body and mind are responding to the stress. It also proves the need for a period of recovery and lower intensity following every 2 weeks of hard work.
While I've not drilled down to the details, I've finally completed the high level training plan. For a change I've incorporated a Periodization phase to ease into the program rather than jumping right into it. I recognize that the training will be tough, and rightfully so since doing a sub-4 meant running an average of 5:40 pace for 42K. Time will tell if I can carry it through. One thing's for sure. No matter what happens, I intend to treasure the entire experience. I don't feel any pressure at all with regards to the goal time. And that's a good thing.
Goal: To run a sub-4 marathon in New York on November 2nd.
End to end: 19 weeks
Commencement: 6/23
Duration: 2 weeks
6/23 to 7/6
Focus: 3 to 4 runs a week with focus on enjoyment and relaxation, core strength
Goal: To get into the training psyche
Peak weekly mileage: 30K
6 weeks
7/7 to 8/17
Focus: Aerobic stage workouts, core strength, 1 short race
Goal: To be able to run comfortably for up to 20K
Peak weekly mileage: 55K
6 weeks
8/18 to 9/28
Focus: Variety, building up the mileage, core strength, staying healthy and injury free, 1 race
Goal: To be able to sustain the stress of mileage
Peak weekly mileage: 90K
3 weeks
9/28 to 10/19
Focus: Hills, tempos, repeats, sandwich, long runs, race specific workouts, 1 race
Goal: To be able to sustain the combined stress of mileage and intensity
Peak weekly mileage: 85K
2 weeks
10/20 to 11/1
Focus: Staying loose and relaxed, healthy and settling last minute travel plans
Goal: Recover, recover, recover
Peak weekly mileage: 20K



Blogger Junie B said...

thanks so much for adding me to the list of nyc bound bloggers!!!

June 11, 2008 at 12:57 AM  

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